
Italian Trulli
Cloud meets the other member of Avalanche part of the mission : Jessie, Wedge and Biggs.
aerith Wow! You used to be in SOLDIER all right! …Not everyday ya find one in a group like AVALANCHE.
aerith What's he doing with us in AVALANCHE?
Cloud He WAS in SOLDIER, Jessie. But he quit and is with us now.
Cloud Didn't catch your name…
Cloud Cloud
Cloud I don't care what your names are. Once this job's over…I'm outta here.
aerith The hell you all doin'!?I thought I told you never to move in a group!
Cloud Our target's the North Mako Reactor. We'll meet on the bridge in front of it.
Cloud Ex-SOLDIER, huh?
Cloud I don't trust ya!
